Feb 28,2023

Ever been mid-soak with a fizzy bath bomb only to catch your furry friend sneakily lapping up water? It happens more than you'd think. Let's dive into what to do next.

The Immediate Reaction: Keep Calm and Assess

First, don't panic. It's understandable to be concerned, but pets are curious and their taste buds sometimes lead them astray. Take a deep breath and figure out next steps. If caught in the act, estimate how much water they drank - a lap or two may be fine, but more requires close monitoring.

The Ingredients Matter

Not all bath bombs are equal. Some use only natural pet-safe ingredients, others may contain oils or substances not great for animals. Check the packaging to see what's inside. Ingredients like baking soda and citric acid are usually harmless in small amounts. But red flags for pets like tea tree oil or artificial sweeteners call for caution.

When to Call the Vet

If the bomb has iffy ingredients or you're unsure, call your vet. Describe what happened, ingredients, and how your pet seems. They may say just monitor at home or want you to bring them in to be safe.

Monitoring Your Pet's Behavior

You've kept calm, reviewed ingredients, maybe even chatted with the vet. Now be vigilant. Watch for any signs of distress like vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or behavior changes. Pets can't tell you if they feel off, so you need to be their guardian.

Preventative Measures for the Future

The immediate issue is resolved. Now ensure it doesn't happen again. Consider pet-safe bombs or simply keeping the bathroom door closed during soaks. A little prevention goes a long way in keeping curious pets out of bathwater mischief!

Bath Bombs manufacturer boymay offers a wholesale or customised one-stop shop For Private Label Bath Bombs For Pets, contact us today for a free sample.

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